Help Us Remind Politicians That They Work For Us!

Support Our Efforts To Take Charge Of Republican & Democrat Politicians

What we believe 
Law Enforcement
We NEED and appreciate Law Enforcement, Period,  

We believe that diversity training and better psychological reviews are necessary.

We believe that a "Community Policing" and independent oversight is required.
We believe that Police Officers should be among the higher paid professions. 
What we believe 
We believe that education is one of the smartest investments we can make in an increasingly competitive world.

We believe that every child who doesn’t receive a quality education represents a tragic wasted opportunity for America. 

We support fully funding our school system, recruiting and rewarding great educators in every demographic.

What we believe 
Gun Control
If guns are outlawed, then only criminals would have guns. 

We believe that our constitutional right to possess a gun, to protect ourselves in a lawful manner is vital. 

We believe that "Red Flags" in the gun purchasing process should be in place to prevent violent criminals and those that do not have the mental capacity to act responsibly from purchasing guns.
What we believe 
America was built by Immigrants from all over the world.
We believe that immigration to the United States is a privilege, and those requesting access should be prepared to pledge and demonstrate allegiance to this country. He or she should be willing to serve the military if requested, be a law abiding citizen and tax payor.  We believe that entry into the United States should be in our best interest, in other words, the immigrant will have a positive impact on our democracy.
What we believe 
Justice System Reform
We believe that Institutional racist attitudes and behaviour that amount to discrimination through prejudice, ignorance, and racist stereotyping have systematically incarcerated people of color and those that are economically challenged. I.e.The United States is home to the world’s largest prison population, a population that is 60+ percent people of color, while people of color ONLY account for 13 percent of the country population.

What we believe 
The Tax System
We believe that our Tax System is broken and unfair, PERIOD!

The burden of funding our government has been placed on the average working American that earns less than 400k per year, paying between 15 and 40% of our earning to the IRS, while the wealthy pays little to NO tax, and protected by legal loopholes that only their $1000 an hour CPA's and attorneys are privy to. It's time for the American tax code to be simplified with a fair tax system.

Promote Voter Registration
Increasing the number of people that vote in each election means better representation, more funding to our communities, and a better quality of life. Politicians listen to two things, money and votes. If we work together as a community and increase voter turnout, then our state and national legislators will listen to our needs. Education, healthcare, immigration, infrastructure, the economy, our veterans, etc. are all affected by our vote.

You can make the difference, if you or someone you know is not registered to vote, go to VOTE.GOV and get registered.
Veteran Ran Organization
GodFamilyCountry.Org was founded by Al Roberts, a U.S. Military and Police Veteran, Al has served the United States Army and his community both as a civil servant and as an entrepreneur. In the early 2000's Al became outraged as he began to notice how so many politicians casually say one thing to get our vote but, would fall short once elected. Over the last few years Al noticed that our choice in candidates represented ONLY the far left or the far right, whereas the majority of us remain in the middle. The majority of voters feel that we have to choose between the "lesser of two evils" on election day, but no more. GodFamilyCountry was organized to unify voters and use the power of our numbers to demand that our core values be represented. 

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